beBee background
Mirghani el tai

Mirghani el tai

مدير مشتريات


Shaybah, المنطقة الشرقية


حول Mirghani el tai:

اننى علي ثقة تامة ان تراكم خبرتى فى كل من شركة ارامكو و الشركة السعودية للكهرباء سةف تمكنى من اداء الوظيفة المطلوبة على اكمل وجهة


As professional with 23 years  experience in purchasing activities . I believe that my background  could be a huge asset to your organization .In each of my professional roles I have demonstrated consistent success as forward-thinking professional  and dedicated team player.

I have spent the past 23 years of my carrier working as a purchasing agent for the Saudi Electricity Company very efficient, know proper cost and can determine quality from non-quality products as a purchasing agent have been responsible for the purchase of all items needed for the  generation , transmission and distribution of electric power in addition to other items needed by the power utility company and during my work in the Saudi Electricity company one of the remarkable achievement is the stockless buying techniques  to reduce the level of the inventory.


اكملت دراستى الجامعية و نلت درجة الباكليورس بتقدير جيد فى ادارة الاعمال و حضرت دورة بالمعهد الملكى للادارة العامة بالمملكة المتحدة

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