Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 4 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Mohammed
Be What You Are

Be What You Are


As one’s job title speaks, a person should be clearly committed and responsible based upon the functions of the job. 

If one can juggle several roles, as and when required, then that’s laudable. But, what makes sensible is when we check what we are supposed to do and not assume any other self-styled engagement or become inquisitive in that which does not concern us.

In workplaces, when there’s no proper control and culture, then employees, simply, wish for too many things. More expectations than legitimate essentials. Even if one doesn’t deserve for a position, there’ll be too much of hubbub for a promotion, interference or undesirable recommendation.

Can a supervisor become a manager? No particular question, but just a curiosity. It doesn’t make sense when a person, without realizing essential supervisory roles, vies to become a manager. Agreed that becoming a manager and managing people and things can be an exciting and rewarding experience. But, without right abilities and traits, aspirations are meaningless.

What if a person, at a supervisory level, is too desirous for a quick advancement? Perchance, someone may take up flattery and persuasion, add suspicion to downgrade opponents, and with a tincture of others’ backing designate himself as a manager. It’s like a long leap or say bypassing the rules. No proper benchmarks, no official nod from HR.

Well, if a person is ‘jack of all trades’ then that’s excellent. But, it doesn’t mean that he can choose any position. If he’s not qualified for a specific job, then no preferences or references should be considered.

On the other hand, some employees aren’t competent by their credentials or experience, but they keep meddling in others’ legitimate duties. Plainly, they follow their mischievous purposes, thinking that they are doing no nuisance to others. Counsel them and they’ll give no heed. Ignore them and they’ll show their obstinacy.

Presumably, people should fit where they can show their real capabilities and those who need a little backup should be provided enough training to boost their work aptitudes.

In some cases, we come across employees who are brainy, and their profiles doesn’t disclose much. But, instead of exploring new opportunities, showing their real caliber or emancipating their real expertise, they don’t want to witness changes or leave their places. Why? Simply, because they adore their cozy, old zones and they don’t want to face any new challenges or embrace changes in their careers. Shouldn’t we realize ourselves and be what we are?

Verily, career success doesn’t come simply by desires. But, with sheer focus, you have to work hard, enhance significant skills, gain essential experience and be willing to accept crucial challenges and avail open opportunities. And then, you’ll be better known as a specialist.

Okay, if a person is little proficient in some functions, then he should be given a chance for improvements. Not that he’s ignored and someone supersedes or gets hired to fill the vacant position. At least, there should be proper ways to boost employee morale, and then, promotions or job swapping should be based on individuals’ abilities and specific HR standards. Give your employees space to nurture their skills and let them explore where they belong.


Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 4 سنوات #3

Thanks Dear Pascal Derrien for sharing the post :)

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 4 سنوات #2

Well said Dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Leaving authenticity and joining the majority isn’t logical. Because, majority doesn’t mean full proof. Thanks for commenting and sharing the post :)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #1

Authenticity is a goal that many fail to achieve dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad. People want to belong to groups and sacrifice their authenticity for staying in line with the majority. Thank you for highlighting the value of staying what we are.

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