Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 4 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Mohammed
Building Strong, Effective Teams

Building Strong, Effective Teams


An organization’s success depends on effective teams that may be from different departments, but all working together for the achievement of a company’s strategic goals. However, when teams, out of their selfish motives, begin working in silos, then there will be a divisive organizational culture.

What if teams are structured around departments, but then they have to be interactive and responsive with each other. Not that outwardly they are resembling like teams, but inwardly more like biased groups with their own intentions and ideologies. Biased groups tend to be unsystematic, and effective teams are known by its refined culture, integrity and values.

If a company is disorganized at the workplace, then there’ll be more dissension and mayhem; if the corporate culture is unfair and unbridled, then there’ll be cloaked and conflicting atmosphere; and, if the employees work in aloofness without mingling with others, then that means there’s something wrong in their behavior. Such typical work environment is no good at all. On the contrary, enthusiasm and cordial relations at the workplace incubates collaboration and teamwork. And the more we have a collaborative environment, we find employees motivated and happy.

Think about team approach, team spirit and team efforts. Because, without these key ingredients nothing is progressive and everything becomes divisive. Verily, in presence of integrated and functional teams, a company thrives for growth, strengthens its base, moves ahead to embrace changes and expands its corporate image in the markets.

Notably, every single department, in a company, should be encouraged for teamwork, harmony and positive outcomes. For this, it makes sense when there is a formation of few different types of teams on certain benchmarks and with specific roles and responsibilities.

Certainly, we cannot have effective teams when we all deride others, backbite behind backs and break the ligament of mutual trust. It’s worse when we become lethargic, time wasters and take pleasure to spoil team spirit and organization culture. 

We can truly form teams when we reinforce fidelity, motivation and frank communication among ourselves. And, good teams ought to be disciplined in every manner, loaded with energy and enthusiasm, and ready to charge at the right time.

How can teams be loyal to their leaders and adhere to a company’s vision and goals when they spill criticism, shun policies and follow their own and others' whims? Simply, they are dysfunctional teams

To solve this, make your teams faithful to a singular belief so that they can adhere to the corporate goals. Inspire them with good precepts and motivating parables, and then straighten them to have more unified, team-spirited environment. If at all someone wants to correct someone, then it should be done in a dignified manner with proper precepts.

More than anything, perhaps, a company, that aims to grow further, must create few, pivotal teams to tackle different challenges, scenarios and carry out tasks for achieving desired results such as harnessing a unique, singular corporate culture, building a network of channels to communicate and disseminate company updates and news, carrying out employees’ wellness and employee engagement programs, clearing the clutter to remove any differences that hampers team-spirit, scheduling team-building exercises, taking initiatives to clear hurdles, implementing development plans, and above all, steering company’s strategies for strong performance and achieving profitability.

In fact, when teams begin to realize their true purpose and worth, then they stand like bulwarks and, with their regular and effectual involvement, they will immensely benefit a company and boost team-spirit to have best workplace.

Let's give worth to our diverse cultures, and by knowing ourselves, let's work for a singular corporate culture, with sincerity, honesty and unison. Then, there will be real outcomes out of genuine team-spirit!

Image source: | Randy Glasbergen

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mohammed Abdul Jawad is a writer, blogger and poet. 

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Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #1

"To solve this, make your teams faithful to a singular belief..."/ well-said Mohammed Abdul Jawad for beliefs and purpose are the glue to go in one and agreed direction.

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