Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 3 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Mohammed
Flecks of Fears

Flecks of Fears


When the whole world is taking preventive measures and safety steps against the escalating COVID-19, there comes a research study that says that smokers are less likely to suffer from coronavirus. Sounds strange, isn’t it?

In fact, the study suggests a substance in tobacco – possibly nicotine—may be stopping patients who smoke from catching coronavirus. Well, clinical trials of nicotine patches are awaiting the nod from respective health authorities.

O yes, besides investigational therapies and preferences for suggestive medicines, we have an unusual study on the benefit of smoking. So, until new vaccines are developed, people have reasons to be somewhat happy with the available options.

Ugh…this same nasty nicotine that’s lethal and extremely addictive chemical causes rise in blood pressure, heart beat, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the arteries. Now, this same nicotine becomes a promising remedy. 

So, should we assume that this same hazardous nicotine is likely to become a novel remedy to lessen the risk of contracting the virus?

Presumably, smokers will feel a tinge of joy and they’ll continue smoking in good moods and without any doubts. What if non-smokers, without any hesitation, aspire to begin smoking sessions to ward off the virus.

It seems, nowadays, the world is full of baffling ideas, peculiar hypotheses and unclear complexities. Today you hear something and believe it. And then there are conflicting reports and everything looks absurd. Is it a comedy of human affairs or decline of human thinking?

Funnily, illiterate drunkards are of notion that drinking liquor can kill the virus in their bodies. Perhaps, they think when alcohol can disinfect a person’s hands, then drinking alcohol can do wonders. With such stupidity, it’s like a fool’s paradise.

More than the contagion from the coronavirus, it seems that people are getting sick with flecks of fears and depression. If at all, in a workplace one or two gets infected, then people are becoming fearful. What will shaky thoughts result except doubling our tensions and worries.

What a chaotic world! On little things and simple realities, there’s so much of panicky and twisted chronicles. It’s maddening media that’s damaging our peace of minds, good health and lively affairs. Before the bouts of virus, people are becoming sick due to baseless information and vague anxieties.

Until a right vaccine is developed, mass-produced and distributed, let’s put our trust in the Almighty Lord and equally be cautious and content. Even a single spell from the Almighty Lord can wipe away this global pandemic and make our lives hale and hearty.

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Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #3

Mohammed Abdul Jawad Humans are so prone to rationalize their behaviors & beliefs And Truth is not the standard of reason ... nor often times is reality "A man should look for what IS, and not for what he thinks should be." ~ Albert Einstein How healing to know Whose you are Fear and faith can not abide in the same heart for very long.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 3 سنوات #2

Thanks so much for reading, commenting and sharing this post. I appreciate your heartfelt comments.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #1

+I shared your lovely post Mohammed Abdul Jawad It amazes me as in my post of today I mentioned as bad as carbon dioxide is harmful it can be good. Same paradox I find in your post regarding nicotine.

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