Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Mohammed
Flexibility at Workplace

Flexibility at Workplace

“You get a half hour for lunch, Barnes.
My dog here will see to it you don’t go
over that time."

Ugh…When can an employee run his personal errands if he works in an organization where working hours are extended? Well, if the bosses allow their staff with some flexibility, then that’s okay. Otherwise, oftentimes, employees simply escape during the working hours or by having stretched breaks to finish their family needs.

In most of the companies, late arrivals to the work and early dismissals from the office –even by few minutes and seconds—are held accountable, and there’s straight slicing of one’s salary. But, the funny part is that in between if someone escapes from the work for few hours, enjoys a long lunch break coupled with swift nap or takes a timeout to do some personal chore, then nothing matters. Reason this, employees tend to be punctual in the mornings and leave on-time at the end of the day, but they keep juggling their own or family tasks during working hours or lengthy lunch breaks.

It’s not that employees are betraying their workplaces or showing disloyalty to their employers. Perhaps, it’s long, straight working hours that oozes their energies out, and when they reach their homes they are totally pooped. After that, one can have little time with their families and children, then with proportionate rest, there’ again hustle-bustle to start early for work. 

Imagine a typical work day—immediately after sunrise and ending at sunset, and reaching homes awhile for little delight, recreation and sleep.

Poor chaps…some start their day in a speedy manner, with brief breakfast and leaving their kids to the school, they take an easy route to their workplaces. Like an ascetic reaching to his chalet, employees take a timely relief to have their breakfast, tea or coffee in their office cubicles or canteens, and some secretly escape to workplace toilets to brush their teeth or wash their faces for refreshing looks.

I presume that organizations, with shortened working hours, that allow leeway out of necessity for employees to run their family errands are rewarding workplaces. With such liberties within limits, employees would feel no tension and they will continue working in a more productive manner.

Best are those companies, like caretakers, that provide chiseled corporate culture, plausible perks and good growth opportunities to their employees, who in turn, can relish work-life balance, with ease and enthusiasm.

Believe me, without flexibility at workplaces, corporate culture stinks or there’s no culture at all where employees are treated like school children, who standing in long queues, check in and check out with punctuality and fearsome faces.

Cartoon by: Jerry King


Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #8

Irene Hackett Sorry to hear how you had tough times being away from your children for a stretched period. Sometimes, it becomes hard to take decisions, but for the well being of your kids, you have to sacrifice something. Wishing you all the best ahead.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #7

David Navarro L\u00f3pez Feel fortunate to be working in such company. Yes, your company management has come up with an excellent idea that allows flexibility to its employees and gets work done with desired efficiency. After all when you keep your employees cheery and well paid, they remain loyal throughout their whole tenure.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #6

You are absolutely right, Mohammed. For the first time in my life, I work now in a company on which the owner has this thing crystal clear. We have a flexible timetable on which you can start from 6:30 to 8:30, and depending on the time you check in you can leave sooner or later. One day you can work longer or shorter hours, depending on your personal needs. We have a limit of +/- 150 hours a year, this means, we can accumulate extra hours and then ask for free days, or we can take free days and then work extra hours to recover, so by the end of the year, you need to balance the amount. So you can attend your personal issues, and still work your 40 weekly average hours, but every worker has the right to manage them. This makes people working more efficiently, as you don't need to "sneak" time during your working hours to attend personal issues, or if one day has been too stressful, you can leave earlier and come back next day with renewed strength. I admire my boss because it is a very clever solution, very thoughtful for his workers, which does not mean he is "loosing" working hours.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Lisa Gallagher Thanks for your appreciation and sharing this post. Good to know about your husband's generosity. With timely flexibility when essential errands gets done then we all feel peace of mind. Believe me, where workplaces chart out stringent rules and restrictions there's a scary, suffocating atmosphere. Perhaps, employees keep their mouths shut for fear of losing their jobs. Simply, they embrace suffering and think nothing for any bold, mannerly plea.

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Vital topic ! My husband gives comp time to allow his employees these necessary freedoms. We both worked many long days while raising children without the luxury (necessity ) for time to run errands during normal business hours, take sick children to the Dr, accompany them on an occasional field trip, attend school events held during day etc... after knowing how tough this can be on people it goves one more insight and empathy. I wish most places could be more flexible.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #3

debasish majumder Thanks so much for your lovely remarks. Truly, employers with cordial ties and employees with team spirit will strengthen company culture. And these are vital ingredients for boosting productivity and enhancing employee engagement.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات #2

Thanks for your thoughtful comments and appreciation. Yes, as we are adopting diverse technologies and means, we ought to redefine our organizational policies for healthy, flexible workplaces. With the wellbeing of employees, employers reap productivity, profits and peace of mind.

David B. Grinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Great buzz, Mohammed! Work flexibility is a big trend at U.S. companies and is necessary for an employer to attract talent in a global workforce -- especially among younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z. I think telework (remote work, telecommuting) is a critically important part of the solution in today's fast-evolving mobile, digital and virtual Information Age, per my blog post here Keep buzzing onward and upward, my friend! cc: John White, MBA

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