Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 5 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Mohammed
Social Media Mania

Social Media Mania


How would you categorize people who discard prudent precepts and embrace egotism?

Sometimes, we come across people who do mischief to others, yet they dare not ponder nor recall their nonsensical attitudes. Perhaps, they tend to flatter their own mannerisms and prefer others to value their vanity. Silly isn’t it?

Now-a-days, should we blame swarming social media platforms that keep distracting us, and more than goodness, these platforms have laced our minds with forgetfulness and hearts with sickening stubbornness. We get delighted in posting our curt comments or please others with our ‘likes’, and, at times, hook up our indulgence in sharing anything with anyone.

Sometimes, social media is like a world of all tinsel and fancies. You take a selfie, you post it and expect from others to treat your post as if it is a popular icon. Sometime, it’s just the tweets saying that I have done this and I have said that. We all are like chirping birds when we are occupied on the social media platforms. Forgetful of ourselves and flattered by others—that’s how we enjoy our lives.

Frankly, if we review our activity on social media, we are either spreading others’ posts or idling away time by unwanted remarks. On any single post, someone gets hundreds of comments. It’s like trifling trash, but the count of comments gets highlighted. Who cares what’s the gravity of any comment? It’s like all boasting their skills in producing cynical or comical commentaries. That’s how sometimes a weird post gets traction with more hits!

What if we have our contacts in the list? Actually, it’s the connectivity that’s disconnecting our bodies and making our senses to wander in a virtual world. Sometimes others’ messages or posts annoy us, and sometimes, we feel like someone creeping in our lives with their uninvited messages and posts. Every broadcaster is like a preacher or like a meddler in spreading the unchecked news. 

Is everyone blessed with more leisure for extra pursuits? We are curious about others and neglectful about our affairs. Are we harming ourselves, with futile responses, dead conscience and lethargic lives?

Sometimes, it’s like we want to create chuckle with our frivolous comments or expose our eagerness for the sake of others’ attention. 

With social media, even our souls get a lively boost, and without it, we worry ourselves as if we are becoming primitives. Stupidity isn’t that? But, more than sleepy nights and dreams, we are drifting in a world of social media, with fleeting fancies and immaterial influences.

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Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #3

Mohammed, Tis a sad commentary but true.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 5 سنوات #2

Dear Pascal Derrien thanks for your feedback. I am glad that you want to share this post. Thanks, once again. :)

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Highly relevant post hope u don't mind me sharing it 😉

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