Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Mohammed
The Ordeal of Working Mothers

The Ordeal of Working Mothers


When you wish to have a married life and rejoice the role of motherhood, then every turn and twist should be taken as an experience rather than burden because, after all, motherhood is inherent. 

But, besides motherhood, for any woman continuing or taking up a job to shoulder domestic responsibilities becomes an ordeal. 

Okay, it’s agreed when husband and wife are both working in their own ways to manage home expenses and make some savings. But, it’s tiring for a woman when she works alone, and her husband, like a recluse, prefers a life of merriment.

What a woman ought to do when her husband becomes lethargic, indecisive and reluctant to work? 

With growing children, even the burden of living increases, and if a working mother too ceases to work, then there will be a chaotic circumstances. Now, the best part for a woman is to practice perseverance because any little complaining utterance can turn into heated arguments. 

Sometimes a little wisdom and tolerance are enough to manage relationships rather than spoiling marital ties with vain quarrels.

In one case, a married couple was having good times. Ah, the husband a sober person who had a modest job and his loyal better half enjoyed her role as a housewife and mother to three kids. The family had good times for almost 15 years, but when the husband lost job, things started to change. Without any source of income for over more than a year, it was hard to manage affairs with little borrowings, so the wife took up a decent job as a primary teacher.

Though, the husband felt a little embarrassment to see his wife working, but he was too helpless. Wherever he tried, his resume was ignored. Over a period, he became used to the prevailing atmosphere. In fact, he desired to have a job, but somehow he wasn’t that active to go out daily and hunt for some worthwhile position. 

In idleness, no luck knocks your door. Sometimes, to make things happen, one has to be restless, ready and hardworking.

Well, with the extended idleness of the husband, even the wife started feeling uneasy. What then? With the interference of wife’s brother and parents, everything went worst. 

Bitterness between relationships, frequent fights, abusing and blaming each other…and soon all the devilish whispering turned into disgusting disputes. 

One day, out of anger, the husband pronounced divorce, and that same day the wife left the home along with three kids. 

The story doesn’t end here, but to sum up the lesson, it’s better to find little solutions to patch up differences and avoid tattered relationships.

In another case, a sincere wife has been toiling hard over the years while her husband shows leniency towards becoming a responsible father. But, for the sake of growing children, the working mother accepted the challenge to shoulder household expenses and kids’ needs. Being persevering and humble, at many times, she supported her husband, and as a conscious parent she provided means to have good education for her children. What a sacrifice!

It’s not the question who works what or who earns how much. 

Oftentimes, relationships nurture on true love and clear understanding. With such vital elements, there comes mutual support and caring attitude. 

Perhaps, the worst culprit in clashes is ego that provokes one’s temper to act in a deviant manner. 

But, the best part is anytime, anywhere at once apologies that can heal broken hearts and instill love for blissful lives.
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